Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Dangers of Turkey Fryers: A Cautionary Tale from William Shatner

Happy Thanksgiving!

This one's focused more on (public) health, less so on bugs or drugs.

The now classic video of William Shatner warning about the dangers of using a "turkey fryer" (a gas-fueled frying device wherein a turkey is immersed in hot oil) has been updated and is now auto-tuned, just in time for T-day '12: see it here.

As entertaining as the video is, it draws attention to an important public health issue: the National Fire Protection Association recommends against the use of turkey fryer devices, specifically noting that they can "lead to devastating burns, other injuries and the destruction of property." This group recommends that people who want a 'deep fried turkey' seek out a professional establishment or use an oil-free turkey frying device.

So listen to Shatner's cautionary tale and have a safe, turkey-fryer free Thanksgiving. And good luck getting that song out of your head.

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